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instinct edition #6

Macho ?


There is no simple way of defining it and it’s never been more controversial. MACHO is something we all recognise instantly. 
What does MACHO mean in the context of the 21st century and our new understandings of gender? 
Is there a place between embrace and rejection where we can take a more subtle stance than simply love or hate, attack or defence? 
Can we create a shared space to play creatively with an iconic behavioural and visual component of our collective cultural history? 


instinct #6 - MACHO? is a playground for both artist and observer to examine their feelings about maleness, masculinity, and machismo. 

Friday 7th September, 6pm



Saturday 8th September, 11am to 8pm
Sunday 9th September, 11am to 8pm

artist talk

Saturday 8th September, 5pm



Friday 7th September, 8.30pm
Adjust, a creation of Constantin Hartenstein, by Jos McKain, Jorge De Hoyos Jr, Bendik Giske


a collective exhibition by

Johnny Abbate_Photography

Aaron Cobbett_Textiles / Photography
Amit Elan_Comics

Constantin Hartenstein_Drawing / Performance

Yu-Liang Liu_Photography

Marc Martin_Photography

Namy Nosratifard_Photography
Pola Sieverding_Lens Based Media 

Lee Wagstaff_Op art

The Instinct Berlin Residency Program presents the work of Aaron Cobbett about "Queer Memory, Healing and Survival.


Viewing also by appointment: +49 174 33 255 33

Instinct  at Village.Berlin

Kurfürstenstraße 31/32
10785 Berlin

instinct new logo.jpg

instinct at we.are.village

Kurfürstenstraße 31/32
10785 Berl

Supported by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur
und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt

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