Wayne Lucas
Wayne Lucas (he|him), (b.1965) is a queer gentleman from the UK.
He has been practicing as an artist and art educator for 30 years; He set up and run artists studios and project spaces/galleries in London since 2000.
Initially biographical, the works evolve and transform through the making and then re-working. Garments, textiles, found objects, and images – recharge the works initial premise to engage with conversations and monologues that suggestively speak of sexuality, isolation, and vulnerability. The hope is that the works transport the viewer on a journey that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Perverse and playful, disrupting a sense of singular narrative – the works reside on the cusp between memory and fantasy.
What desire means to me:
Desire is an inner voice urging me to own or enjoy something or someone
Self portrait with pinky fronts, 2021