Daniel Pernas

Daniel Pernas is a figurative painter based in Madrid. He has a late vocation because he dedicated himself professionally to medicine, but four years ago he found a path in painting. The masculine body is the center of his work and it helps him to express himself and my desires. His work is not a work that reflects only beauty, his work wants to express the subconscious, the deepest thoughts of the human, the man and his relationship with society.
He has participated in solo exhibitions in Madrid, Valencia and Alicante. He has also participated in group exhibitions in Madrid, Murcia (Leucade Gallery), Barcelona, Seville (Horny gallery) and Lausanne (Sex Poser exhibition). He is currently working with the Horny gallery based in Barcelona and has been selected in several painting competitions in Madrid and Leon as well as in the call for emerging artists Mecenas 2.0.
Plastificados de autodestrucción is his current job and represents the walls that we build as a waterproof plastic to everything that surrounds us. It is a metaphor for loneliness, for isolation. In an accelerated society where everything moves in social networks, self-centeredness isolates us in a perfect world.